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Are You Ready For A Tornado?


Tornado season is upon us and could bring more storms in the months ahead. In fact, the U.S. experiences the most tornadoes of anywhere in the world. Last year alone 1,197 tornadoes tore through the country, costing over $1 billion in property damage. While we can’t prevent tornadoes, we can help you craft a safety plan and prepare. And know that if a tornado has damaged your property and you need an inspection, Dunn Inspection Services is there for you.

Designate a Shelter

The best shelters are sturdy, windowless spaces with room for you, your family, and pets.   A basement is ideal, though any low level, windowless room works, including closets, hallways, interior stairwells, or a bathtub if you have a heavy blanket or mattress as cover.

Create an Emergency Kit

Be sure your kit includes

  • Food and Water for 72 hours, such as canned soup, granola bars, or shelf?stable goods, plus a can opener 
  • Whistle or horn to attract attention should you become trapped
  •  Battery or generator powered lights to conserve mobile phone power
  • First aid kit that includes bandages, antiseptic, and essential medicines
  • Battery or crank radio because cell towers may be down
  • Important documents, including copies of your ID, insurance information, Social Security cards, a small amount of cash, and other legal documents, such as wills 
  • Extra pet food if needed

During a Tornado

Know the signs of a tornado
  • Dark or greenish sky
  • Large Hail
  • Low Clouds, especially if they are rotating. A roar often compared to a train whistle If you hear or see these signs, or there’s a local tornado warning, shelter with family and pets. If you’re far from that shelter, try to find a sturdy community building, such as a church or office building nearby. If you’re in a vehicle and can’t find shelter, stay inside, and cover your head.  
After the tornado
  • Use your horn or whistle, or another implement to attract help if trapped
  • Check your structure’s integrity. If you see cracks, rubble, or fallen beams, exit until it’s deemed safe to return
  • You may need shelter. If so, text “Shelter” and your zip code to FEMA (43362)
  • Avoid downed powerlines. Even if they look inactive, wires may still carry a live current
  • Avoid using lighters or flames. Even if you don’t smell gas, there may still be a leak.
  • Use generators safely. Vent generators outside. Carbon monoxide poisoning comes fast and can be deadly.
      •Monitor the radio. Stay informed and safe by tuning your radio to reliable local news or emergency services

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